Impressive accommodations, impeccable service, and illustrious surroundings are only some of the reasons why I Hotel Batam is a recipient of Tripadvisor Travellers’s Choice 2020 and Certificate of Excellence 2017, 2018, 2019 by Tripadvisor. I Hotel Batam also receive 2023 Gold Circle Award from Agoda.. The hotel is a convenient haven for daily and long-staying business travelers who are looking for the familiar comforts of a four-star establishment in this popular district.
I Hotel Batam的地理位置使其成为那些将便利视为迫切需求的旅行者的理想住所。欣赏在靠近那加亚山的这个风景如画岛屿上的便利,该地点从机场和渡轮码头方便抵达。
对于考虑在巴淡岛住宿的企业旅行者来说,便利性是必不可少的。这就是为什么I Hotel是那些经常奔波于新加坡或马来西亚的商人和旅行者的理想之地。I Hotel Batam距离最近的渡轮码头仅六分钟车程,距离汉纳丁国际机场25分钟车程,距离巴淡中心 10分钟车程,距离高尔夫球场30分钟车程。
- Nagoya Centre
- Batam Centre
- Nagoya Hill购物中心
- 餐厅、酒吧、卡拉OK休闲区和俱乐部。